App and Webapp Development

Cross platform development of interactive and dynamic apps and webapps

Every business relies on the seamless capture, analysis and visualisation of data across various platforms. Your customers and employees expect to be able to use mobile devices for each transaction - and ideally to participate in a true omnichannel experience, where the customer journey can be transitioned seamlessly from one device to another.

At Affirmable, we understand the power of apps and webapps. Whether on a mobile device or through any modern web browser, we create platforms that enable customers to interact and engage in an engaging and intuitive customer journey. Our apps are deployed to both Google Play and the App Store (iOS). We also deliver the same experience online (using a mobile first design) so that your customers can access data and services from anywhere. We would be delighted to harness this expertise to develop apps and webapps for your business or organisation.

Our approach

First and foremost, we are app and webapp developers ourselves. We know the challenges and the opportunities presented by cross-platform tools that engage users in a seamless, intuitive and interactive journey. As commercial business leaders, we also understand the need to deliver products that drive a true return on investment. This is why our solutions are based on affordable and value-added models that understand the real business problem that we are trying to solve.

Fundamentally, our apps and webapps are designed to capture, analyse and visualise data. This means that our apps are suitable for any business process. For example:

  • An estate agent that needs an app that enables customers to search for houses within an adjustable radius of a postcode, view the details of houses that are returned and apply for more details for any property that is suitable
  • A recruitment company that is seeking to build an integrated application journey for candidates, integrating with third party testing and assessment platforms where applicable, and providing multiple automated communications to update the candidate at various stages
  • A restuarant that is looking to offer an online facility to select a table reservation, or order food from an online menu for collection or delivery
  • A hotel that wishes to offer online reservations for its potential guests from its website, integrated with major booking sites to ensure a seamless experience and to prevent overbooking
  • A retailer that is looking to offer an e-commerce business and enable customers to purchase goods online and have them delivered, with a secure end-to-end process for payment transactions
  • A taxi company that is looking to provide an online booking service for its customers, alongside a tracking and payment system for its drivers
  • A manufacturing company that is looking for a bespoke shift management system so that its employees are always booked into the correct shift, with visibility of upcoming work patterns, hours workers, and notifications for shifts that become available for overtime

In terms of what we are not... we're not a gaming company. We do not specialise in graphics (although graphic design and imagery is always foundational to the apps and webapps we create). However, if you are looking for a solution to create beautiful, seamless and intuitive apps to capture, analyse and visualise data... you have come to the right place.

We use specialist tools and programming techniques to ensure that every app that we create is available across the three major platforms - web, Android (Google Play) and Apple/iOS (Appstore). The consistency of user experience between platforms ensures maximum engagement and supports a genuine omnichannel experience.

Example apps

iBudge App Screenshot

iBudge is an app and webapp providing a wealth of personal finance and budgeting solutions for users. The app provides rich and seamless functionality across Android, iOS and Online experiences.

i Thank UK App Screenshot

iThank UK is an app and webapp that automates and transforms the experience of tracking gifts and writing thank you cards (as well as invitations and more). The iOS, Android and online experience ensures that users can use the platform wherever and whenever.


Every requirement is different and it is impossible to give detailed insights into pricing. However, we also recognise that it is helpful to be able to budget effectively. We have therefore provided some indicative pricing below, but please contact us for a bespoke cost breakdown.

Charity or non-profit organisation? We have substantial discounts available, please contact us.

Pricing menu

A dynamic app starts from as little as £6,000!!!

Consultation, Design and Config for Android, iOS and online £4,500
Static pages (per page) £500
Dynamic pages/view* FROM £1500
E-Commerce Functionality FROM £3,000
Contact Form £1,000
API or External Data Feed FROM £1,500

* Dynamic pages typically either input data into a database/data model or select data from a database/data model. The pricing assumes each page/view either inserts or selects a maximum of five fields within a single data table. We will offer detailed pricing once we receive a full specification.

Contact us to discuss your needs

An Example App

A fully featured Estate Agent app for £14,250

Consultation, Design and Config for Android, iOS and online £4,500
Homescreen - welcome £500
Dynamic property search by postcode £2250 *
Property details view £1500
Personalised profile page to save searches £1500
Register, Login, Forgotten Password £1500 **
Contact Form £1000
About Us Page £500
Terms and Conditions £500
Privacy Policy £500

* The dynamic property search is an example of a page that is likely to be more complex and pull from multiple data tables and fields. This is why it is more expensive than the lowest price quoted in the pricing menu.

** Whilst the registration, login and forgotten password pages/views are multiple pages, they typically follow a common framework and process and therefore a discount can be applied.