Bid writing and management

Benefit from 15+ years' expertise in bid writing and management across the private and public sectors

If you have a piece of business that you are determined to win, you need to create a pursuit strategy that maximises the chances of a successful outcome.

Typically this means that you need an experienced bid professional to provide the expertise required to manage the process and then oversee the creation of a compelling response that articulates your organisation's solution against your customer's specification.

Alternatively, perhaps you just need a second pair of eyes - an experienced bid leader who is able to provide an impartial review as part of your process (either as a formal Red Team milestone or through an less structured review and feedback process).

Our approach

Our approach to bid writing, management and review is flexible depending on the needs of your organisation. We offer three options as follows:

  1. Total bid management: We manage the process for you and own the written response in its entirety. This does not mean you simply hand it over - rather, we work with you in true collaboration to capture your sector-specific knowledge and proposed delivery solution in a compelling, concise and compliant bid document
  2. Part bid management: We become part of your team, perhaps owning a section of the bid or a series of questions. This is all about building the capacity of your team and offering you additional expert headcount when you need it most. We work in partnership with you to deliver success.
  3. Bid review service: We offer impartial feedback and review, giving a fresh set of eyes and an expert opinion on how well your bid has been written and structured to meet the customer's specification.

This service is offered directly by our Founding Director/CEO Martin Tanner.

Martin has 15+ years' experience in bid writing and management - specialising in bids across recruitment services, welfare-to-work, skills and disability support.


Martin's successful bid outcomes include:

Public Sector

Multiple sole supplier (as well as framework) solutions at public sector bodies including:
  • Department for Work and Pensions
  • Department for Education
  • Education & Skills Funding Agency
  • NHS
  • Local Police Force collaborations
  • British Business Bank
  • Local Authorities
  • Multi Academy Trusts
  • Universities

Private Sector

Outsourced (sole supply) solutions at companies including:
  • Top 4 retail banks
  • Leading pharmaceutical companies
  • Global manufacturing businesses
  • Construction and construction material companies
  • IT and software companies
  • Financial services businesses
  • Retail and food delivery companies
  • Airlines and aviation companies
  • Customer Service businesses

Martin is happy to disclose more details about these bids if you approach him directly via the contact form.


Every requirement is different and it is impossible to give detailed insights into pricing without a specification.

Charity or non-profit organisation? We have substantial discounts available, please contact us.

We will be delighted to hear from you and have the opportunity to discuss a solution and provide a priced proposal.