
3 Dimensional Presentations

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Multistory transforms slideshows from linear and inflexible tools into a 3 Dimensional agile solution that enables you to respond immediately to questions or requests raised by your audience.

If you've ever been thrown by an audience question that you can't answer in real time, Multistory is definitely for you. Seamlessly step out of the flow of your presentation to go deeper into a topic - with AI-powered content generation if you haven't already prepared a slide on that topic. Use Multistory as a stand-alone presentation tool, or integrate with Powerpoint or Google Slides to gain a unique competitive advantage for your presentations.

Stop being a slave to your slides

  • Create a layered presentation: Link pre-prepared slides so that you are able to drill into a topic in further detail if you are asked a specific question by an audience member.
  • Link your content library for AI automation: No pre-prepared slide? No worries. Simply link a content library to your presentation and our AI platform will use this content library to find suitable material, summarised appropriately in slide format.
  • Harness generative AI to fill gaps: Nothing suitable in your content library? All is not lost. Our generative AI tool enables suitable content to be created on the fly (if desired) to fill any gaps that you may have in your content
  • Use Multistory as a standalone platform: There are no third party integrations required. You can create rich, formatted content straight in the Multistory platform and present directly to your audience
  • Integrate with Powerpoint or Google Slides: Have a pre-existing preferred presentation platform? No issues. Use Multistory to power your 3-Dimensional presentations but have the content pushed into Powerpoint or Google Slides in real-time

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iOS (via the App Store):

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Android (via Google Play Store):

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A truly flexible and adaptable solutoin

  • Rich formatting options for your slides: Choose from formatted text, backgrounds, images, videos and more to create the slide content that you need
  • Single presenter mode: Present from a single screen, with a discreet search and control menu to enable additional content to be fetched when required
  • Dual presenter mode: Present from one screen, whilst a second operator uses a different interface to quickly fetch additional content that becomes immediately available via the main screen
  • Sharing features: Share the final presentation, in your chosen order, back with your audience through our platform or via Powerpoint/Google Slides. Alternatively save to PDF format, or print out handouts as required